Qasil Scrub: Exfoliate and Brighten Your Skin Naturally!
Posted on Ayan Osman -
Qasil Face Masks: DIY Recipes and Application Techniques for Glowing Skin!
Posted on Ayan Osman
Beautiful and healthy hair do more than you can think of, from allowing you to try different hairstyles to giving your confidence and mood a boost, beautiful hair set the tone and keep you happy. But, to make all these things possible, your hair must be provided with all the care and attention. Especially, if you are among those women who are facing hair fall issues, the right solution ahd hair care routine becomes more important.
Before we know about the solution, let's take a look at some points regarding what causes this hair problem.
Now when you know the reasons, let's jump to what's the right solution!
So, here we are bringing you an easy and highly effective way to prevent hair fall and promote hair growth- natural qasil powder is something that can get the job done!
Qasil powder is derived from the leaves of Gob tree, it is loaded with natural ingredients that work wonders for your hair. On the other hand, you don't really need to put too much efforts to prepare qasil powder hair mask or shampoo for hair. Some DIY recipes are here to reduce hair fall.
To prepare your completely natural qasil shampoo, all you need is a cup of water and one tablespoon of qasil powder.
Once you mix qasil powder and water, you will see bubbles, they are the cleansing agent.
Blend it together to activate the powder and turn it into soapy consistency. It will also help to double the mixture and also you can reap the best benefits that qasil powder has to offer.
With the help of only one ingredient, you can create 100% natural shampoo that has amazing nutrients and vitamins.
And, here comes the face mask for extreme hair growth.
This advanced rice water recipe is sure to boost hair growth.
From the scalp to the tip of your hair, natural qasil powder is a great choice for overall nourishment and proper hair growth. The recipes above can be prepared in almost no time and it's an amazing way to save your precious time while taking good care of your hair. Feel free to share these details with your friends and make every hair day a good hair day!