Huda Organics is not a perfect company. We will never be a perfect company, but what we will promise is to always aspire to do better and be better. We operate with heart and integrity. Above all else, our core principles are public service and accountability. 

Huda Organics always envisioned itself becoming its own self-sufficient ecosystem. The idea is that Huda Organics will stop simply being a skincare company, specialising in qasil inspired products, but that it will become a vast network of independent, yet interconnected organisations in Somalia. This network would encompass everything from farmers, to distributors to charitable entities that all affect and are affected by one another to create an environment in which they can develop and thrive. 

In other words, Huda Organics is simply the tree trunk supporting the rest of the branches that grow out of it. Just as air, water, earth and animals compete and collaborate with one another to withstand any disruptions and ensure their mutual survival through constant adaptation and evolution, so too will these branches support and uphold their respective capabilities in the creation of a more prosperous community. 

Our main objective is not to drive sales to create revenue that will be distributed among our head office in London, but to reinvest profits back into expanding and developing this ecosystem in Somalia. Our role is to become stewards of a larger movement; a movement in which we equip all branches of our company with the educational and economic opportunities to invest in their own individual futures and their communities.

To learn more about our initiatives, please see:  About us - Here you can read our history, Natural qasil powder – HudaOrganics

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