DIY hair masks for dry, damaged, and frizzy hair that actually work

diy hair mask qasil powder
Dry, damaged, and frizzy hair is no less than a nightmare for a woman. It hides your natural beauty, it adversely affects your confidence and whatnot. This is where a DIY hair mask comes into play and can prove to be a savior. In general, you are going to create some amazing hair masks that will nourish and hydrate your hair while adding shine and strength. Check out some homemade hair masks that actually work.
DIY hair masks that work wonders
Enjoy the list and provide your hair with the utmost care.
Moisturize and soften your hair with coconut oil and honey hair mask
When your hair need deeper conditioning, a blend of coconut oil and honey can provide amazing results. Where coconut oil is enriched with fatty acids, honey is loaded with humectants, which means, with this hair mask, your hair can get a boost in hydration and nourishment.
How to prepare?
  • Get a bowl and mix an equal quantity of honey and coconut oil, make sure to take the amount according to your hair length and texture.
  • It's time to apply a coat on your hair, for those who have an oily scalp, they can apply from ears down.
  • Keep it applied for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off.
  • Make use of shampoo and conditioner as usual.
Repair dry hair with banana and honey mixed with yogurt
From vitamins and potassium and to carbohydrates and protein, bananas are nature's protein bar, and when they are mixed with high levels of lactic acids in yogurt, it works excellently to repair dull, dry, and damaged hair.
How to prepare?
  • Make a blend of 1 meshed banana, 2 tbsp yogurt, and 1 tbsp honey.
  • Apply the mixture on your hair from top to bottom.
  • Tie up and cover your hair.
  • Leave this mask applied for around 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off.
  • Make use of shampoo and conditioner as usual.
Boost shine with egg and lemon mask
This is an amazing combination and can help to fight against a wide range of hair problems. Lemon, being acidic in nature, absorbs all the excess oil from your scalp whereas the richness of egg in protein and vitamins do the job of adding shine and strength to your hair.
How to prepare?
  • No yolk required, you need only egg white to prepare this mask.
  • Take egg white in a bowl and squeeze half lemon in it.
  • Mix to make it consistent.
  • Apply on your hair from top to bottom.
  • Tie up and cover your hair.
  • Leave this mask applied for around 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Rinse it off.
  • Make use of shampoo and conditioner as usual.
Qasil powder with apple cider vinegar and warm water
You can call it a shampoo or a hair mask, it works wonderfully on all hair types. From nourishment and hydration for adding shine and strength, this blend of qasil powder with apple cider vinegar is the perfect choice for your hair care routine.
How to prepare?
  • Prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp qasil powder, half cup of apple cider vinegar, and a half cup of warm water.
  • You can feel free to add more water if you want to make the mixture thicker.
  • Apply on the scalp and leave for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Tie up and cover your hair.
  • Rinse it off.
  • Make use of shampoo and conditioner as usual.
These DIY hair masks are a great solution for various hair problems, they take very little time to prepare and are very pocket-friendly. Don't forget to share with your near and dear ones.
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